Hello, all,
I am currently sitting at the library with a pile of books around me and dozens of research articles waiting to be read. This upcoming week and next is the University of Marylan'd exam week so I have a lot to do. Right now I am working on a research paper about mothers in the novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin." It's going okay, but I decided to take a break and say a quick hello to you all via my blog.
Everything is going well. Like I said, I have a lot of work this week. It's a little weird because this is my last exam week as a University of Maryland student. Although I'll still be a student next semester, I will be student teaching so my students will be writing the papers and taking the tests instead of me. I think I'm going to like assigning and grading the papers better than researching and writing them.
Even though I have a lot of work, I'm almost always in a good mood because it is the holiday season. I love everything Christmas, the music, the lights, the decorations. How do you all celebrate Christmas? Do you have any fun Christmas traditions? I'm really excited that my perfect little niece will be joining my family for Christmas this year.
My niece, Julie, is going really well. I spent the entire day with her last Friday and plan to do the same this Friday. I'll try to upload some more pictures of her in my next entry.
I hope you all are doing well. Have a fun and safe holiday season.
Your friend,
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7 years ago
Hi, Nikki!
You are spending so really busy time. For tests of the latter period I'm going to study hard during winter vacation...maybe.
But I enjoy Oshougatsu at the same time:)
Hi Nikki,
I hope your finals went well and you had a wonderful Christmas. Is little Julie home from the hospital yet? You may remember that my daughter Vikki was also born premature. She spent her first 4 months of life in the hospital and came home on December 14, 1992. We commemorate the day by watching the classic movie It's a Wonderful Life every year on that day!
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